Eternal — Supernatural Thailand 7

Suthep Srikureja
2 min readJan 16, 2022
Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Being a ghost she understood time only vaguely, as something that was of human construct and imagination.

Yet she felt its heaviness as she waited for him.

They had first met when he came to the grove and sat under her tree, with the bottles of beer he had stolen from his parent’s village convenience store.

It was a night of full moon and a billion stars and she was allowed to walk the forest.

He did not question her arrival, ethereal and diaphanous, and instead offered her a drink.

She told him of her dreams of the past, about why she came to be unsubstantial and why she could never move on.

He told her of his dreams of the future, about how he would be successful and why he needed to be wealthy.

They talked and they laughed until the pale moon and blinking stars were erased by the pink of the dawn.

And so it was that night, and for many nights after that.

And then one day the boy became a man, and his world expanded into a a panorama of possibilities, and his dreams made demands from him for existence.

And he came to the grove no more.

But in the deep silence of the forest broken only by the rustle of the leaves of her tree she…

