Attachment — Supernatural Thailand 10

Suthep Srikureja
2 min readJul 14, 2022

I see him now.

He’s dressed in a white shirt and khaki pants, clothes he wore when he was alive.

He means you no harm, and neither do the cockroaches that live in the holes of his body, the ones made by the many shrapnels that pierced him when he stepped on a land mine during that unfortunate war. All he wants is to peer inside your mind, look at your dreams for he misses that feeling of sweet slumber he experienced on this very bed that you sleep in every night.

It’s the bed he made with his own hands after he cut down the old teak tree in his garden, smoothing its roughness, sawing and connecting to make the frame and leg, and lovingly carving that picture of nagas on its headboard.

It’s the bed on which he and his wife consummated their marriage, leading to the birth of their daughter.

So if you feel his weight on you as he sits on your chest at night, and the soft crawling and slight tickle of the roaches as they explore your face and neck, do not wake up as it would be of no benefit to you. Stay still with your eyes closed, and wait for him to leave as he most surely will before the orange streaks of dawn reach out to caress the bed.

But, if you feel that you would rather sleep in peace and solitude without nightly visits from a lonely spirit benevolent though it may be, then I suggest you return this bed to the antique store you purchased it from and donate your refund to a temple of your choice.

This would be the best solution for both of us as I respectfully decline to perform this exorcism.

For there is no way that I would ever hurt the spirit of my father.

